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Here you will find useful links to relevant research and data.

  • The Central Statistics Office (CSO) provides information from the census on demographics which can be accessed on their website.
  • The DCU Age Friendly University provides a list of resources and research on ageing. You can access this list and these resources on their website.
  • The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) is a large-scale study on ageing in Ireland. You can read more about this research, and find links to other relevant pieces of research and data on their website.
  • The Irish Centre for Social Gerontology at NUI Galway is a research centre that focuses on ageing in Ireland and internationally. More information on the research it conducts can be found the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology’s website.
  • The Health Research Board is a state agency that supports research to prevent illness, improve health and transform patient care. In 2021 it published a report called Housing with support for older people. This report can be accessed on the Health Research Board website.
  • The Housing Learning and Improvement Network (HousingLIN) based in the UK provides a comprehensive knowledge hub that contains resources on housing and ageing. The knowledge hub can be accessed on the HousingLIN website.
  • The Joint Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government published a report on Housing Options for Older People in 2018. The report can be accessed on the Oireachtas website.
  • The Healthy and Positive Ageing Initiative (HaPAI) was a joint programme led by the Department of Health with the HSE and Atlantic Philanthropies. It aimed to measure the progress towards making Ireland a great place to grow old. This initiative produced resources which can be found HERE.