Hello and welcome to the 2nd blog on up and coming technological devices that are available to people across Ireland, and today I would like to introduce you to Eila Connect from Crothers Technology who designed the Eila Connect Pro™ Activity Monitoring platform in conjunction with older people from across the Dublin North Region, Crothers Technology ensured the voice of the older person was heard at all levels of design and naming of this brand of devices.
What is Eila Connect Pro™
Eila Connect Pro™ Activity Monitoring platform is a comprehensive end-to-end aging-in-place solution that allows seniors to live independently and safely in their own home, knowing that help will be at hand when needed. Using non-intrusive sensing and detection devices and dedicated software, the system can follow a senior’s daily activities and build a profile of them, allowing unusual activity or inactivity to be highlighted. Using the profile and continuing sensor readings, Eila Connect Pro™ identifies when there may be a need for assistance, and triggers an alarm to a monitoring center, family and caregivers. Eila Connect Pro™ Activity Monitoring also offers the possibility to set Smart Rules to receive notifications of specific behaviour of interest according to user defined parameters that are not dependent on regular patterns.

In the attached document you will find a full brochure on the Eila Connect Pro™.
If you have a question on telehealth/telecare you would like answered or if there is something in particular you would like us to discuss, please send your comment into We will be happy to give feedback, and endeavor to answer your query over the coming weeks. In the meantime, check out agefriendlyhomes.ie/blog.