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Some people may want to rightsize (downsize) if the home they are living in no longer meets their needs now, or into the future. If this is the case they may choose to move to one that is more suitable.

Age Friendly Ireland has produced a guide to rightsizing, from adapting the home to moving to more suitable accommodation. It contains a section on the Do’s and Don’ts of rightsizing and steps to take depending on which option is chosen. This guide can be accessed here.

A key resource for people thinking of rightsizing is the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme. This programme provides access to a Healthy Age Friendly Homes Coordinator to carry out a needs assessment to establish what supports are required to continue living independently. Based on this assessment a support plan will be developed. The coordinator can also provide information on adapting your home, grants, and social and health care supports.

Many local authorities in Ireland have rightsizing policies to support people access age friendly housing schemes in their area. This housing may be available to current social housing tenants of the local authority, an approved housing body, or those eligible for social housing. Alternatively, for those who own their hown home they may be eligible through the local authority’s financial contribution schemes (where in operation). For more information see the local authority website.

You can read the Age Friendly Ireland Rightsizing Guide here


Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme

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Age Friendly Guide to Right-Sizing

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This guide to rightsizing was developed based on research carried out on behalf of AgeFriendly Ireland in 2020. This booklet is intended for older people and their families whoare considering …