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IFA – 16th Global Conference on Ageing

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is hosting its 16th Global Conference on Ageing in Bangkok, Thailand from June 27-30, 2023. The conference will take place at the Bangkok Convention …

Be Summer Ready 2023

The government today launched its ‘Be Summer Ready’ 2023 campaign with the message: “Think Water Safety – Plan and Prepare.” This year’s public safety information campaign provides advice across a …

Home Ventilation Guide

Ventilation is the exchange of air with harmful pollutants and moisture from the inside of the building with fresh and clean air. Good ventilation improves indoor air quality and creates …

Cork County Council Age Friendly Housing Competition

Cork County Council and Cork Centre of Architectural Education (UCC & MTU)  have worked in partnership to run a competition where students design Age-Friendly Housing Schemes. This project was supported …

Why you need proper ventilation in your home

This guide will help you better understand the ventilation in your home. It does not replace manufacturer’s instructions, which you should always follow. It explains ventilation, what you need to …

Be Winter Ready 2022

On November 10th, the government launched the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2022 -2023 Information Campaign. The ‘Be Winter-Ready’ campaign, which is in its twelfth year, is intended to raise awareness about the …

Winterproofing your home.

These tips are offered as a guide only People often have issues with frozen pipes when the temperature drops below zero, which can then cause cracks when they thaw and …

Government range of supports for Winter

The government has urged householders to ensure that they are availing of the supports that are in place to help all of us through winter. Cost-of-living supports The government announced …

Be Summer-Ready

How to prepare you, your home and your business for summer. The Government of Ireland’s initiative to provide information to the general public on issues which may affect them during …

Household Benefits Package

The Household Benefits Package (HBP) helps with the cost of your electricity or gas bill and the TV licence. Only one person in a household can get the Package. You …

Age Friendly Towns in Ireland

An Article written for AARP, United States by Dr Emer Coveney, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland. Developing Age Friendly Towns revolves around the ethos that if you design for …

Government Cost of Living Help

New measures announced by the Government yesterday that may be of use to the Older Community. A €200 energy rebate including VAT being applied to electricity accounts in April to …