Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Sa rannóg seo gheobhaidh tú naisc d’acmhainní ábhartha. Is féidir leat na hacmhainní a scagadh ag baint úsáide as na roghanna ar an taobh clé den scáileán.

45 Acmhainn

Ag Lódáil...
Age Friendly Training
An Beartas, an Phleanáil agus Rialacháin Foirgníochta
Ríocht Phoiblí a Thacaíonn le Daoine Breacaosta
Tacaíochtaí Cúraim Shóisialta & Sláinte
Deontais agus Maoiniú
Pleanáil & Dearadh Aoisbháúil
Bailte a Oireann do Dhaoine Aosta

Housing Case Studies

 |  Case-studies

Age Friendly Ireland developed this report in collaboration with Age Friendly Technical Advisors in each of the 31 local authorities. The document highlights how Ireland is preparing housing provision for …

ACORN Tablet Project

 |  Fact sheets

The ACORN smart tablet design is the outcome of studies and pilots summarized herein, where the views and experiences of older people were taken on board in the final layout, …

Town Centre First Policy

 |  Design guidelines, Planning and regulation, Policy

The aim of the policy is to create town centres that are “viable, vibrant and attractive” places to live and work. The policy is designed to boost rural Irish towns.

TUH Integrated Care Study

 |  Case-studies, Research

This study will explore the linkages between housing conditions and older people’s health with a view to informing housing providers and policy makers of the key components of healthy homes. …